科学报告会:Search for quantum entanglement in Kitaev System using low-f susceptibility

来源:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)    发布时间 : 2019/05/20      点击量:

报告题目:Search for  quantum entanglement in Kitaev System using low-f susceptibility

报告人: Prof. Xinsheng Ling (凌新生) (Department of Physics,Brown University)




Building quantum-mechanics based computation systems is one of the grand challenges of modern science and engineering.  Currently there is a major push for finding the most promising materials system that one can implement quantum mechanical algorithms.  An exciting candidate is a-RuCl3, first studied by the co-PI in 2014.  Since a-RuCl3 is a Mott insulator, direct electrical measurement is difficult.  Here we propose to develop a two-point ac magnetic susceptibility probe to couple to the entangled spin dynamics in the quantum spin liquid phase of a-RuCl3.  Given the known Kitaev parameters of the material, it is widely believed that this field-driven paramagnet is a new phase of matter, a quantum spin liquid.  


l Wuhan University (China), Physics, B.S. 1984

l Chinese Academy of Sciences, Metal Physics, M.S. 1987

l University of Connecticut, Physics, Ph.D. 1992

l Yale University, Applied Physics, postdoc 1992-94

l NEC Research Institute, Princeton, NJ, postdoc 1994-96

l Assistant Professor of Physics, Brown University, 1996-2002

l Associate Professor of Physics, Brown University, 2002-2008

l Professor of Physics, Brown University, 2008-present

邀请人:石兢 教授

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