科学报告会:Elementary Particle Physics in a Single Lecture

来源:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)    发布时间 : 2018/11/21      点击量:

报告题目:Elementary Particle Physics in a Single Lecture

报 告 人:Wolfgang KuehnJustus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen / Germany




This lecture presents a short introduction to elementary particle physics. The standard model of particle physics describes quarks and leptons as elementary constituents of matter. Particles interact via the exchange of virtual gauge bosons, describing the fundamental electro-weak and strong forces in nature. The Higgs boson discovered in the year 2012 is responsible for the mass of elementary particles. We will briefly discuss theoretical concepts as well as basic experimental methods in the field.


Wolfgang Kuehn (1952, Cologne, Germany) is a professor of Giessen University. He received his Diplom in physics from the University of Cologne in 1976 and his Dr. rer. nat. from University of Heidelberg in 1979. He worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics in 1979-1981, and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Argonne National Laboratory in 1981-1982. He then joined Giessen University as a Senior Researcher and became a professor in 1995. He served as Acting Director in Institute of Physics II in 1996-2000. He is currently a Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee at the German Ministry of Science and Education, Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions in Nuclear and Plasma Science and IEEE CANPS committee member. His research interest is on the experimental high energy physics and participates in the BESIII, Belle II, and PANDA experiments. He was the spokesperson of the HADES Collaboration in 1992-1996 and also a member of SPSC in 1999-2002 and LHCC in 2009-2012. He has published over 400 publications in referred journals, in the fields of nuclear physics, particle physics and electronics.





