报告题目:Recent Progress on Boron Nitride Nanomaterials for Energy Applications
报 告 人:Prof. Yoshio Bando (板東義雄教授)(日本国立材料科学研究所)
The highly efficient thermal management is very important for quick heat release in the face of increasing power consumption of electronic devices. Moreover, high-energy high-power electricity storage is key to next-generation electronic and electric devices. Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), a layered material with a regular network of BN hexagons, is a structural sister system of famous graphite. BN is highly insulating and wide-bandgap in properties, and more stable than graphite in thermology and chemistry. These make BN be a perfect sidekick of graphite nanomaterials, and enable their bright prospects in high thermal conductivity, strong ultraviolet emission, glorious thermal and chemical inertness, rubout insulation and superb lubrication. However, their insufficient production rather limited the studies and the full realization of potentials. We aim to develop new nanomaterials such as nanotubes and nanosheets in boron-carbon-nitrogen system for their applications to thermal conductive packaging as well as energy storage. We have recently developed effective methods for the high-yield syntheses of BN nanotubes and nanosheets. We have synthesized gram-level high-quality BN nanotubes through the carbon free- chemical vapor deposition and gram-level nanosheets by the chemical blowing method, which make them possible to initiate the studies of polymetric composites. Thin BN nanotubes with diameter less than 10 nm were fabricated successfully by optimizing the reaction of metal oxide and boron source. BN nanosheets with average thickness around 5 nm were effectively realized via polymerization and crystallization of ammonia borane, based on the chemical blowing method. Our BN nanotubes and nanosheets have been filled into polymer matrix to make thermal conductive composites, which were created with 20-times increase of original thermal conductivity. They are useful for heating-release insulting packaging of down-sizing faster cooler electronics. Due to the special polarity of boron nitrogen bonding, the BN nanomaterials with high specific surface area have also been developed and applied to dense hydrogen uptake. Our synthesis methods are thus extended for producing new graphene materials, e.g. 3D strutted-graphene (SG) via chemical blowing. The SG consists of continuous graphitic membranes which are homogenously connected and spatially supported by the networks of micrometer-width graphitic struts. The high electrical conductivity, specific surface area, mechanical strength and elasticity are thus simultaneously achieved.
In addition, we indeed demonstrate the striking effects of tensile, compressive and bending deformation on the electrical response of BN nanotubes and nanosheets under manipulation and electrical probing in HRTEM using STM/AFM-TEM special holders. The bending forces of BN nanotubes are directly measured inside HRTEM and real-time video-recording of elastic kinking deformation (that reveals a superb BN nanotube flexibility) is performed. We conclude here that BN nanotubes have a high potential for the applications in novel nanoscale sensors, actuators and advanced nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS).
板東義雄教授于1975年在大阪大学获得博士学位,并于同年加入日本国立无机材料研究所(目前为国立材料科学研究所,NIMS)。截止到2017年4月,板东教授一直担任NIMS的研究员及国际材料纳米结构中心的首席运营官。现在他仍担任国际材料纳米结构中心的执行顾问,获得过包括日本天皇颁发的“瑞宝小绶章”奖(2017年),第三届汤森路透研究前沿奖(2012年),第16届筑波杰出科学家奖(2005年),日本陶瓷学会学术奖(1997年)在内的多个奖项。他被聘为美国陶瓷学会和皇家化学学会会员,并在2010年,2012年,2014年,2015年,2017年和2018年被选为ISI高度引用的材料科学研究人员。迄今为止,他已发表原创研究论文770多篇,被引用超过43000次,H因子为111(Web of Science)。主要的研究为新型无机一维、二维纳米材料的合成、性质及其在能源和环境领域的应用和开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)他们的原位TEM电镜研究。
Professor Yoshio Bando has completed his Ph.D from Osaka University in 1975 and joined the National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (at present National Institute for Materials Science, NIMS) the same year. He has been a Fellow of NIMS and a Chief Operating Officer (COO) of International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (WPI-MANA) until April 2017. He is now an Executive Advisor of MANA. He has received several awards including the “Sacred Treasure” from the Emperor (2017), the 3rd Thomson Reuters Research Front Award (2012), the 16th Tsukuba Prize (2005), the Academic Awards from Japanese Ceramic Society (1997) and others. He is admitted as Fellows of The American Ceramic Society and The Royal Society of Chemistry. He has been selected as ISI Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015 2016, 2017 and 2018. To date he has authored more than 770 original research papers which have been cited more than 43,000 times at H-factor of 111 (Web of Science). His research concentrates on synthesis and property of novel inorganic 1D/2D nanomaterials for energy and environmental applications and their in-situ TEM study.