开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国):Atomistic description of nanoplasmonics: from near field to surface-enhanced Raman scattering

来源:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)    发布时间 : 2017/01/05      点击量:

报告题目:Atomistic description of nanoplasmonics: from near field to surface-enhanced Raman scattering




报告摘要:The optical properties of quantum-sized metallic nanoparitcles (NPs) exhibit features that cannot be described by classical electrodynamics. Especially, the near-field properties are modified and depend on the NP dimensions. We recently introduced an atomistic electrodynamics model, namely coordination-dependent discrete interaction model (cd-DIM), where the NPs in terms of a macroscopic homogenous dielectric constant was replaced by an atomic representation with dielectric properties depending on the local chemical environment. cd-DIM successfully provides an unified description for nanoplasmonics. By using this model, we explored the near field fluctuation and the origin of the SERS varying with time evolution.

报告人简介:Xing Chen is a postdoctoral research associate in Pennsylvania State University (PSU), United States. She received the B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from Henan University in 2005. Then, she moved to Xiamen University to start her PhD research in physical chemistry, supervised by Prof. Zexing Cao. In 2008, she as an exchange PhD student went to Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. The co-supervisors are Prof. Hans Ågren and Prof. Olav Vahtras. She got her licentiate degree of biotechnology from KTH in 2010. In 2011 she got her PhD degree from Xiamen University, and in 2012 she got her PhD degree of theoretical chemistry from KTH. From 2012 to 2013, she was a postdoctoral scholar at Prof. Yi Luo group at KTH. Then, she joined Prof. Lasse Jensen group as a postdoctoral research associate. Xing Chen’s current research interests involve the method development for investigating the plasmonic response of metallic nanoparticles in quantum size regime and the plasmon-enhanced spectroscopy. She has published 20+ papers including 10+ first author publications. The journals include Nat. Commun., Nano Lett., and J. Phys. Chem. Lett etc.


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