开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国):From Atomic Structure to Properties of Oxides ----Applications of Aberration-corrected TEM

来源:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)    发布时间 : 2016/11/11      点击量:

报告题目:From Atomic Structure to Properties of Oxides

----Applications of Aberration-corrected TEM

报 告 人:贾春林教授(Jia-lab for Interface and Atomic Structure, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Ernst Ruska-Centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons and Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany)




Oxide materials have become increasingly important for electronics applications. In particular, thin films of oxides have been considered as the most promising material basis for various electronic devices such as non-volatile ferroelectric random access memory (FRAM), high-density dynamic random access memory (DRAM), and resistive random access memory (RRAM). Lattice defects including interfaces, dislocation and local chemical variation have attracted great attentions of research. The electrical properties of these defect areas in most cases show a deviation from the matrix bulk. These unexpected properties can be considered for application in devices for novel functions. Hetero-interfaces and dislocations in oxide systems and domain walls in ferroic materials are particularly interesting since these lattice defects can be engineered by thin film technology and their properties and corresponding structure feature can be tested and investigated by various techniques.

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has proven to be a powerful tool for structural characterization of materials. In particular, in the recent decade great progress in the technique of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) has been made by the successful introduction of the spherical aberration (CS) correctors. Based on the CS-corrected microscope point resolution of sub-Angstrom has been achieved. For crystalline materials aberration-corrected microscopy can be used for determining the position of atomic columns with a precision of a few picometres and for determining the chemical occupancy of atomic columns with the precision of a few atomic percept. With quantitative evaluation of image contrast of thin crystal the number of atoms within the atomic columns parallel to the viewing direction has been determined and it is also possible to determine three dimension shape of nano-scale crystal with single-atom precision.

In the present lecture, we focus our discussion on (1) quantitative HRTEM based on negative CS imaging (NCSI) technique and (2) its applications to studying oxide materials.


贾春林教授是国际知名的电镜专家,1993年获德国亚琛工业大学工学博士学位,是德国于利希研究中心资深研究员、金属氧化物电子陶瓷微结构研究团队学术带头人,西安交通大学国际电介质研究中心首席科学家。其研究方向包括金属氧化物铁电薄膜的亚纳米结构缺陷与性能,晶体缺陷结构的原子尺度表征,以及像差校正、定量高分辨透射电子显微学。在Science、Nature Materials、Physical Review Letters等国际学术期刊发表研究论文110余篇,论文被引用超过1700篇次,H指数28,2010年受聘于西安交通大学。


2010.06-至今 西安交通大学,国际电介质研究中心,首席科学家

1993.06-至今 德国于利希研究中心(Research Centre Jülich, Germany),微结构研究所,研究员

1989.04-1993.06 德国于利希研究中心,微结构研究所,访问学者

1984.11-1989.04 复旦大学材料系,助教,讲师


1. C. L. Jia, S. B. Mi, J. Barthel, D. W. Wang, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, K. W. Urban, and A. Thust, “Determination of the 3D shape of a nanoscalecrystal with atomic resolution from a single image”. Nature Materials, 13: 1044, 2014.

2. C. L. Jia, L. Jin, D. Wang, S. B. Mi, M. Alexe, D. Hesse, H. Reichlova, X. Marti, L. Bellaiche, and K. W. Urban, “Nanodomains and nanometer-scale disorder in multiferroic bismuth ferritesingle crystals”. Acta Materialia, 82: 356, 2015.

3. C. L. Jia, J. Barthel, F. Gunkel, R. Dittmann, S. Hoffmann-Eifert, L. Houben, M. Lentzen, and A. Thust, “Atomic-Scale Measurement of Structure and Chemistry of a Single-Unit-Cell Layer of LaAlO3 Embedded in SrTiO3”. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 19: 310, 2013.

4. C. L. Jia, K. Urban, M. Alexe, D. Hesse and I. Vrejoiu, “Direct observation of continuous electric dipole rotation in flux-closure domains in ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3”. Science, 331: 1421, 2011.

5. C. L. Jia, S.B. Mi, K. Urban, I. Vrejoiu, M. Alexe and D. Hesse, “Effect of a single dislocation in a heterostructure layer on the local polarization of a ferroelectric layer”. Physical Review Letters, 102: 117601, 2009.

6. C. L. Jia, S.B. Mi, K. Urban, I. Vrejoiu, M. Alexe and D. Hesse, “Atomic-scale study of electric dipoles near charged and uncharged domain walls in ferroelectric films”. Nature Materials, 7: 57, 2008.

7. C. L. Jia, V. Nagarajan, J. Q. He, L. Houben, T. Zhao, R. Ramesh, K. Urban and R. Waser, “Unit-cell scale mapping of ferroelectricity and tetragonality in epitaxial ultrathin ferroelectric films”. Nature Materials, 6: 64, 2007.

8. C. L. Jia, A. Thust, K. Urban, Atomic-scale analysis of the oxygen configuration at a SrTiO3 dislocation core”. Physical Review Letters, 95: 225506, 2005.

9. C. L. Jia and K. Urban, “Atomic-resolution measurement of oxygen concentration in oxide materials”. Science, 303: 2001, 2004.

10. C. L. Jia, M. Lentzen and K. Urban, “Atomic-resolution imaging of oxygen in perovskite ceramics”. Science, 299: 870, 2003.


上一条:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国):Towards All Electrically Control ferromagnets



