科学报告会:Status and future upgrades of the LHCb experiment

来源:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)    发布时间 : 2018/07/03      点击量:

报告题目:Status and future upgrades of the LHCb experiment

报告人: Giovanni Passaleva 研究员(LHCb国际合作组发言人)

报告时间: 2018年7月13日上午10:00

报告地点: 物理学院新楼5楼大报告厅


The LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is dedicated to the study of hadrons containing a beauty or charm quark. Since the start of operation in 2009, LHCb has achieved a series of imporant results in heavy flavour physics. The current status of LHCb detector operation and physics exploitation is reported in this presentation.

Also discussed are the future upgades of the LHCb detector around 2025 and 2030, which aim to make full use of the capabilities of a forward acceptance detector during the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) operational period.


Giovanni Passaleva研究员1994年获得意大利佩鲁贾大学理学博士学位(PhD),1994到1997年在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院进行博士后研究工作,1997到2005年先后担任意大利国家核物理研究所(佛罗伦萨)的研究员和首席研究员,自2015年开始担任意大利国家核物理研究所研究主管(Research Director),并自2017年开始担任LHCb国际合作组发言人至今。


上一条:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国):Generation, transport and detection of pure valley currents in two-dimensional heterostructures

下一条:学术会议:4th WHU Summer Theory Institute July 2-6,2018


