开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国):Nature-inspired topological mechanical systems

来源:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)    发布时间 : 2018/09/10      点击量:

报告题目:Nature-inspired topological mechanical systems

报告人:Prof. Zuankai Wang Department of Mechanical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong




The progress of humankind has been marked by five main waves of innovation. Each wave has transformed our industries and societies, yet is also coupled with the consumption of resources, pollution, and energy/water shortage. In contrast, honed by billion years’ evolution, nature has developed extraordinary principles which are characterized with green energy and resilience. This talk focuses on how the next wave of innovation, centered on nature-inspired engineering, will address the grand challenges facing us such as water, energy and health engineering.

In particular, I will discuss our recent progress in the exploration of various nature-inspired topological structures to provide a new paradigm for the development of novel mechanical systems and other engineering implementation. I will show that the rational design and control of topological effect, which is generally overlooked in the conventional design, will be able to fundamentally change the solid/liquid interfaces, extend the boundaries of conventional engineering, and spur innovations for various implementations such as thermal management, water harvest and transport, power generation, switchable adhesion, anti-fouling, drag reduction, and soft machine locomotion.  

Biography :

Prof. Wang has received many awards including the 35th World Cultural Council Special Recognition Award (2018), Outstanding Research Award (Senior, 2017) and President’s Award at the City University of Hong Kong (2017, 2016), Changjiang Chair Professor by Ministry of Education of China (2016), Outstanding Youth Award conferred by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (2016), OSA Young Scientist Award (2016). The Ph.D. students he supervised have won a number of prestigious awards including MRS Graduate Student Gold Award (2016 Fall Meeting), Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award (2016), Hong Kong Young Scientist Award (2015), and MRS Graduate Student Silver Award (2015 Spring Meeting).


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