院庆系列报告:Manipulating Polariton Condensates by Artificial Lattices and Their Ultrafast Dynamics

来源:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)    发布时间 : 2023/11/07      点击量:

报告题目:Manipulating Polariton Condensates by Artificial Lattices and Their Ultrafast Dynamics

人:熊启华 教授(清华大学物理系)




In the past three decades, microcavity exciton polaritons (MEPs) have shown tremendous progress in a wide range of semiconductor gain materials, including III-V and II-VI quantum wells, organic semiconductors, zinc oxides, halide perovskites and two-dimensional semiconductors, etc. The MEPs are quantum superpositions between excitons and microcavity photons, exhibiting unique “part-light part-matter” nature. They display extremely small effective mass and extremely fast propagation enabled by the strong nonlinear interactions derived from the excitonic components. Recent progress has pushed MEPs research towards operating at room-temperature, derived from a unique combination of materials traits, such as large exciton binding energy, large oscillator strength and high optical gain, in a few exceptional systems. This talk will present the recent progress in MEPs in halide perovskite semiconductor system and two-dimensional semiconductors, with a particular focus on artificial lattice potential landscape to manipulate the condensate, and their ultrafast dynamics driven by the strong nonlinear interactions. Outlooks on the integrated ultrafast polaritonic devices will be summarized to conclude the talk.


熊启华教授,1997年本科毕业于武汉大学物理系,2006年于宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得博士学位。2006-2009年在哈佛大学从事博士后研究。2009-2020年间在南洋理工大学物理与应用物理系工作,2016年获聘正教授。2019年开始过渡期在清华大学建设实验室,2021年初全职加入清华大学物理系。美国物理学会、材料研究学会和光学会会士,亚太材料科学院院士,科技部重点研发计划首席科学家。熊启华教授的主要研究领域是凝聚态光谱学以及低维量子材料光与物质相互作用的物理机制和量子调控。他在光与物质强耦合、激光制冷、半导体光学和光电子学等前沿课题做出了一系列有影响力的工作。在国际知名杂志上发表了300篇文章,其中包括Nature 4篇及子刊28篇,Science 1篇及其子刊Science Advances 8篇,PRL 2篇,工作多次被世界知名杂志及大众媒体所报道,总引用次数超过27000次, H-因子89。其出色的研究获得了一些奖励和认可,比如全球高被引科学家(2019-2022)、新加坡物理学会纳米科技奖(2015)、首届新加坡国立研究基金NRF Investigatorship(2014)和NRF Fellowship (2009)等。目前担任《Nano Letters》等期刊副主编,和多家国际-国内知名期刊编委。



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