
来源:开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)    发布时间 : 2018/08/15      点击量:

单 位 开云手机在线登陆入口,开云(中国)
职 称 教授
学 历 博士
E-mail mengxq@whu.edu.cn
研究方向 半导体纳米材料与光电器件研究










联系方式 Tel: 15827010250,  Email: mengxq@whu.edu.cn,




(1)  InGaN量子阱的离子注入及其在白光LED中的应用研究,

国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号: 11275144  。

(2)离子注入制备硅基III - V 族半导体量子点及其光电特性研究,





国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号: 60676036 。







武汉大学硕士研究生毕业,中国科学院半导体研究所博士研究生毕业。参加了国家重大计划研究项目863和973有关量子点材料和器件的研究以及量子点子带间跃迁红外激光器材料和器件研究。Applied Surface Science及半导体学报的论文审稿人。承担了本科生近代电子材料、电子线路实验课程,研究生电子材料与器件课程的教学工作。获武汉市科技进步一等奖一次。申请专利一项。共发表80多篇学术论文,其中以通讯作者或第一作者发表的国际期刊论文如下:  

(1)Qinwei An, Yang Liu,Renjie Jianga,Xianquan Meng*, Chemical vapor deposition growth of ReS2 nanowires for high-performance nanostructured photodetector,

Nanoscale,2018, 10, 14976-14983,SCI一区,影响因子7.453

(2)Yang Liu,Qinwei An,Xianquan Meng*,  Controllable growth of vertical ReS2 nanosheets and nanorods by vapor transport method,

Journal of Materials Science,2019, 54:6807-6814,SCI三区,影响因子2.631

(3)Qinwei An,  Xianquan Meng,* Ke Xiong, Yunlei Qiua, high-performance fully nanostructured individual CdSe nanotube photodetector with enhanced responsivity and photoconductive gain,

Journal of Materials Chemistry C,  2017,5, 7057-706 ,SCI一区,影响因子5.433

(4)Qinwei An, Xianquan Meng*, Ke Xiong, Yunlei Qiu and Weihua Lin,

One-step fabrication of single-crystalline ZnS nanotubes with a novel hollow structure and large surface area for photodetector devices,

Nanotechnology  2017, 28(10):105502, SCI二区,影响因子3.472

(5)Qinwei An, Xianquan Meng*, Ke Xiong, Yunlei Qiu and Weihua Lin,  One-step synthesis of CdSe nanotubes with novel hollow tubular structure as high-performance active material for photodetector,

Journal of Alloys and Compounds  726 (2017) 214-220,SCI二区,影响因子3.309

(6)Qinwei An, Xianquan Meng*, Ke Xiong, Yunlei Qiu, Self-powered ZnS Nanotubes/Ag Nanowires MSM UV Photodetector with High On/Off Ratio and Fast Response Speed,

Scientific Reports  2017,7(1):4885,SCI三区,影响因子4.536

(7)Qinwei An, Xianquan Meng * and Pan Sun ,High performance fully nanostructured photodetector with single-crystalline CdS nanotubes as active layer and very long Ag nanowires as transparent electrodes

ACS Applied Materials & interface, 7(2015)22941-22952,SCI一区, 影响因子7.582

(8) Su Mao, Yihe Liu, Pengan Li, Xianquan Meng ∗  Fabrication and comparative sudy of vertically-grown and horizontally-dispersed fully nanowire-based photodetectors .

Applied  Surface  Science, 359,(2015) 496-499.                SCI二区,影响因子 3.659

(9)Qinwei An, Xianquan Meng *, Guangrui Liu, Lifang Hong, Annealing of the superlong CdSnanotubes for enhanced performance in fully nanostructure dphotodetector,

Materials Letters ,161,(2015),751–754,           SCI三区,影响因子 2.565

(10) Yihe Liu, Pan Sun, Xianquan Meng * , A GaN nanowire-based photodetector with Ag nanowires as transparent electrodes.

IEEE Photonic. Tech. Lett. (2016)28(1), 23-26.          SCI三区,影响因子 2.255

(11) Yihe Liu  and  Xianquan Meng *, The controllable growth of GaN nanostructures with various morphologies

J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. El., 2015, 27(2) , 1-7 .  SCI三区,影响因子 1.569

(12) Pan Sun ,  Yihe Liu , Xiang Wan ,  Xianquan Meng *,  Rui Su  and Sheng Yu , Synthesis of long Ag nanowires and its application in GaN nanowires photodetector as transparent electrodes .

J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. El., 26(9),(2015) 6787-6792.      SCI三区,影响因子 1.569

(13) Yihe Liu, Xianquan Meng *, Xiang Wan, Huihui Huang, Hao Long and Guojia Fang ,

Synthesis and field emission studies of tower-like  GaN nanowires ,

Nanoscale Research Letters   9( 2014 ) 607 ,           SCI二区,影响因子 2.847

(14) Qinwei  An,  Xianquan  Meng* , Lei  Zhang,  Yuanjia  Zhao ,

Controllable  growth  of  single  crystalline  CdS  nanotubes  by  thermal  evaporation

Materials  Letters , 136  (2014)  55–58                   SCI三区,影响因子 2.565

(15) Pan Sun , Yanchen Li , Xianquan Meng* , Sheng Yu , Yihe Liu , Fengqi Liu , Zhanguo Wang The magnetic field effect on optical properties of Sm-doped GaNthin films

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron ,  25 (2014)  2974–2978        SCI三区,影响因子 1.569

(16) Sun, Pan; Xue, Fei; Yu, Sheng; Meng, Xianquan* ; Liu, Yihe; Zhang, Lei , Hydrothermal Synthesis of Ce-Doped CdSe/ZnS Nanostructure for Highly Efficient Green and Red Emitting ,

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 6 ( 2014 ) 927-931 ,  SCI四区,影响因子 1.431

(17)Y. H. Liu, X. Q. Meng *, S. Yu, F. Xue, X. Wan,The optical and structural study of a blue emitting structure with dual InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells,

Optics and spectroscopy, 116( 2014 ) 91–95,                 SCI四区,影响因子 0.723

(18)Yanchen Li, Sheng Yu, Xianquan Meng *, Yihe Liu, Yonghe Zhao,Feng qi Liu and ZhanguoWang ,The effect of magnetic ordering on light emitting intensity of Eu-doped GaN,

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 215101                     SCI二区,影响因子 2.721

(19)W. J. Liu, X. Q. Meng *, Yi Zheng, Wei Xia, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanorods and nanotubes,

Applied Surface Science,257(2010),677-679,            SCI二区,影响因子 2.711

(20)Wei Liu, X. Q. Meng *, H. X. Qiao, and Rui-Hua Xie,Investigation of Electronic Energy Levels in InAs Quantum Dot with Shape of Lens by Using B-Spline Technique,

J. Comput. Theor. Nanos. Vol.6, (2009)354-358,             SCI四区,影响因子1.343

(21)Dong Wang, X. Q. Meng  * et al. Effect of electric field and annealing on the morphology and crystallinity of hydrothermally grown ZnO nanostructures,  

Physica E-low-dimensional system & nanostructures, 40 (2008) 852, SCI三区,影响因子2.000

(22) X. Q. Meng , Z. Q. Chen, P. Jin, et al. Defects around Self-organized Quantum Dots Measured by Slow Positron Beam,    

Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007),  093510-093512              SCI二区,影响因子3.302

(23) X. Q. Meng,  P. Jin, Z. M. Liang, F. Q. Liu, Z. G. Wang, and Z. Y. Zhang ,Structure and properties of InAs/AlAs quantum dots for broadband emission,

J. Appl. Phys. , 108(2010), 103515-103519,              SCI三区,影响因子2.183

(24) X. Q. Meng , B. Xu, P. Jin, X. L. Ye,etal. Dependence of Optical Properties on the Structure of Self-Organized InAs Quantum Dots Emitting Near 1.3mm,

Journal of Crystal Growth 243 (2002) 432-438,                 SCI三区,影响因子1.698

(25) X. Q. Meng , P. Jin, B. Xu, et al. A novel line-order of InAs quantum dots on GaAs

Journal of Crystal Growth 241 (2002) 69-73 ,                   SCI三区,影响因子1.698

(26) X. Q. Meng ,  W. Zhen, J.P. Guo and X. J. Fan  The structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO and ZnO-Al 2 O 3  thin films produced by dc magnetron sputtering,

A pplied P hysics A - M aterials S cience & P rocessing  70, (2000) 421-424,SCI三区,影响因子1.704

(27) X. Q. Meng , Zhao Chun, Wang Qiong, et al. Preparation of GaN thin films by reactive Ionized cluster beam technique , Chin. Phys. Lett. 16(5) (1999) 367-369 SCI四区,影响因子0.947

(28) X. Q. Meng , Z. H. Zhang, H. X. Guo A. G. Li. And X. J. Fan  Arc discharge synthesizing of carbon nitride,   Solid state communications 107(2)  (1998) 75-78,SCI三区,影响因子1.897

(29) X. Q. Meng , X. J. Fan H. X. Guo , A new formula on the thickness of films deposited by planar and cylindrical sputtering, Thin Solid Films 335 (1998) 279-283,SCI三区,影响因子 1.759





